

  • Django 4.2
  • Postgres or Mariadb
  • Django Admin - django.contrib.admin
  • Humanize - django.contrib.humanize


Django Name is intended to be installed within a Django project. If you are unfamiliar with Django, check out the docs.


  1. Install the package from PyPI.

    $ pip install django-name
  2. Add name to your INSTALLED_APPS. Be sure to add django.contrib.admin and django.contrib.humanize if they are not already present.

        # ...
  3. Configure the context processors.

            'BACKEND': '...',
            'APP_DIRS': True,
            'OPTIONS': {
                'context_processors': [
                    # ...
                # ...


The request context processor is required by the Name app. The built-in templates require access to request parameters. The name processor enables the filter component of the search action as well as some optional branding (see Branding).

  1. Include the URLs.

    from name import urls as name_urls
    urlpatterns = [
        # ...
        path('name/', include(name_urls))
  2. Migrate the database.

    $ ./ migrate name
  3. Optional: Load the Identifier Type fixtures. See Loading Fixtures.

Loading Fixtures


This is an optional installation step.

The app comes with a fixture of predefined Indentifier Types. Issue one of the following commands below install them.

$ ./ loaddata --app name identifier_types